Thursday, 20 November 2008

Can you believe this? What would you do?

The Strip That Fat diet system has allowed me to lose six inches off my waist in a very short space of time and has totally changed my appearance, I think, for the better.


Losing my weight has also opened my eyes to a lot of things that I don't like in people.

Has been a good week at work so far, you could say.

Have had an offer to go out for a drink from one of my colleagues at work, who in no uncertain terms has shown me that she is after more than just a coffee, if you know what I mean.

I have liked this woman ever since I've started working at this place and have tried, on a good few occasions to get her to come out for at least a meal with me. But up until now I have had no luck.

Now all of a sudden, SHE has asked ME out. Could it be the six inches that I've lost around my waist, and if it is, do I really want to go out with her. I'm exactly the same person as before, just thinner.

I suppose I should be pleased for the attention, but this is still bugging me. I may have been big before, but my personality was bigger.

I said yes by the way, but will take some time out to ask her what changed her mind. We'll see what she says.

Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Check out the Strip That Fat diet system and see what "nice" problems it could throw up for you!

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